2D Projectors

Projectors determine the (implicit) weight matrix of the geometries. All CPU reconstruction algorithms require a projector.

Each projector is only suitable for specific projection geometries.


id = astra.create_projector(...)

Create a projector object. Projectors determine the (implicit) weight matrix of the geometries. All CPU reconstruction algorithms require a projector.

This script is a wrapper around astra.projector.create (Python) / astra_mex_projector(‘create’, …) (Matlab) with a more convenient interface. See below for specifics.

The allocated object must be freed after use with a call to


Parallel beam

The projectors in this section can be used with the parallel projection geometry.


proj_id = astra.create_projector('line', proj_geom, vol_geom)

The weight of a ray/pixel pair is given by the length of the intersection of the pixel and the ray, considered as a zero-thickness line.


proj_id = astra.create_projector('strip', proj_geom, vol_geom)

The weight of a ray/pixel pair is given by the area of the intersection of the pixel and the ray, considered as a strip with the same width as a detector pixel.


proj_id = astra.create_projector('linear', proj_geom, vol_geom)

A ray is traced through successive columns or rows (depending on which are most orthogonal to the ray). The contribution of this column/row to this ray is then given by linearly interpolating between the two nearest volume pixels of the intersection of the ray and the column/row.

This is also known as the Joseph kernel, or a slice-interpolated kernel.

Fan beam


proj_id = astra.create_projector('line_fanflat', proj_geom, vol_geom)

The weight of a ray/pixel pair is given by the length of the intersection of the pixel and the ray, considered as a zero-thickness line. This projector can be used with the fanflat and fanflat_vec geometries.


proj_id = astra.create_projector('strip_fanflat', proj_geom, vol_geom)

The weight of a ray/pixel pair is given by the area of the intersection of the pixel and the ray. The ray is considered as a 2D cone from the source to the full width of the detector pixel. The projector can only be used with the fanflat geometry.

NB: This mathematical model does not properly take into account the fan beam magnification effect.



proj_id = astra.create_projector('sparse_matrix', proj_geom, vol_geom)

This projector uses a sparse matrix projection geometry. See the documentation for that geometry for details.


proj_id = astra.create_projector('cuda', proj_geom, vol_geom)

This projector does not directly specify a weight matrix, but instead is intended to let algorithms use GPU/CUDA code. It can be used with parallel, parallel_vec, fanflat and fanflat_vec projection geometries.

NB: This functionality has not yet been implemented everywhere.


astra_mex_projector is used to manage projector objects.

It is a wrapper around the MEX file astra_mex_projector_c.

astra_mex_projector contains the following commands.

  • create

  • matrix

  • volume_geometry

  • projection_geometry

  • is_cuda

  • delete

  • clear

  • info


id = astra.projector.create(cfg)

Create a projector from a config object. This is called internally by the script [[astra_create_projector]], which is the recommended way to create most projectors.


matrix_id = astra.projector.matrix(projector_id)

Create an explicit sparse matrix for the weight matrix encoded by this projector.

This is only implemented for 2D CPU projectors.

The returned matrix_id can be further manipulated with [astra_mex_matrix]. In particular, it can be retrieved as a Python scipy or Matlab sparse matrix with

S = astra.matrix.get(matrix_id)

It has to be freed after use with


NB: Such a matrix can be very large for large geometries.


vol_geom = astra.projector.volume_geometry(id)

Get the volume geometry attached to the given projector object.

NB: This is not fully implemented yet and the return value may not accurately represent the geometry.


proj_geom = astra.projector.projection_geometry(id)

Get the projection geometry attached to the given projector object.

NB: This is not fully implemented yet and the return value may not accurately represent the geometry.


c = astra.projector.is_cuda(id)

Return if the the projector is a CUDA projector.


astra.projector.delete([id1, id2, ...])

Free a single or multiple projector(s).



Free all projectors.



Print basic information about all allocated projector objects.